How dental veneers can improve your smile...
Article written by Elite Dental Group A bright white smile is a symbol of youth and confidence. If you are self-conscious about your smile, veneers may provide you with that well-balanced smile you have been dreaming of. Porcelain veneers are not only natural they can change the shape of teeth creating a symmetrical smile. Veneers are tailor-made and therefore will take a few dental appointments. Here is how dental veneers can improve your smile: Improving tooth color – A person’s teeth may become discolored due to their diet, lifestyle, or medication. Although professional tooth whitening options can improve the brightness of a person’s smile, in severe cases this may not provide the brightness a patient desires. This is...
How to Deal with Children Who Are Picky Eaters...
Article written by Elite Dental Group. Most parents cringe at the thought of having a picky eater in the house. That’s because they can transform mealtime into a battle ground if not carefully dealt with. Mealtime should be a pleasant experience where the family gathers to discuss their day. Allowing a picky eater to turn it into an event that centers around their eating habits disrupts your whole family. It can cause other children to become resentful that one child gets all the attention simply because they won’t eat their peas. If you have one or more kids who tend to be picky eaters, then there are some healthy ways to deal with their issues that won’t cause...